LHVE's 5 Year Anniversary
Living Hope Vollintine Evergreen, the first church plant of LH, turned 5 last Sunday. The sanctuary was filled with people praising God for all that he has done through LH Piperton and LHVE. Through volunteering, relationship-bulding, and building renovations God has empowered people to preach and display the gospel. The Vollintine Evergreen community has been served in incredible ways because our people’s love for God overflows out of them. Of course, LHVE really began in 2010 with a call from LH leadership.
They asked for families to relocate to an area that needed regular gospel presence. From 2010 to 2013 our strategy was to prayerfully engage the neighborhood through being good neighbors, loving the public schools and institutions, and listening well. When one bible study birthed into two, it was decided that public worship would follow soon. On the third Sunday in August in 2013 LHVE launched its first public worship service. Ever since, we have been a worshipping community that seeks to bring God’s kingdom to bear in the lives of those around us. Our vision is to “to be a family of believers that reflects our neighborhoods, transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ, grounded in his grace and love, and devoted to the restoration of each other, our city, and our world.” This is our banner and how we verbalize the calling of the bible.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank LH Piperton and every member individually who has served us, helping us to fulfill our calling. We could certainly not have done it without such a strong support system. Countless church planters have marveled at how healthy it is to have such a
supportive body of believers so close in proximity. And of course, the battle is not over. Ministry is really difficult in VE because of the barriers that class, culture, and world-view create. Our hope is that our relationship with LH Piperton continues to be strengthened over the next 5 years. With new church plants and even more mission partners the LH footprint is growing larger and larger in our city and world. It is such an honor to be apart of this movement. In the future, you can keep up with LHVE through our weekly newsletter and website - LHVE.org. Please prayerfully consider finding a way to plug in.
- Justin Burkhead, on behalf of LHVE