Going Deeper

“Fast food is popular because it is convenient, it is cheap, and it tastes good. But the real cost of eating fast food never appears on the menu” – Eric Schlosser

It is easy to draw parallels between our eating habits and the way we interact with the Word of God. The abundance of spiritual “fast food” around (short daily devotionals, podcasts, or a quick verse of the day found on a Bible app) has made us spiritually lazy, and has resulted in an ignorance of Biblical doctrine and knowledge among Christians. Many believers struggle to defend what they believe when confronted by non-believers, and many are easily influenced and led astray by the world around them. “Rather than acting as salt and light, we become bland contributions to the environments we inhabit and shape, indistinguishable from those who have never been changed by the gospel.”- Jen Wilkin. When faced with diversity in our own lives, we often succumb to despair and even anger at God, because we don’t know Scripture, and his truths are not ingrained into our hearts and mind.

The Women’s ministry of LH has a vision to see the women in our church excited, knowledgeable and changed by the Word; to go Deeper. Our families, our community, and our world desperately need Godly and spirit filled women who are grounded in the Bible, and who will make a difference.

In September the LH women’s ministry will launch our first Bible study series for the year. Over a nine-week period, we will study 1John. This letter will provide us with a cameo of life in the early church – a time where there was a significant amount of confusion and disagreements among believers about theological truths. John provides the church with principles to identify and challenge teachings that departs from the gospel. The letter will also give us insight into what faith, unbelief, brotherhood and false teachings look like. Throughout the series we will be challenged and encouraged in our faith walk.

The Bible study will be introduced to the women of LH at a worship and teaching event on September 11. This will be followed by seven weeks of home study groups (each group will have their own time and location), and wrapped up on November 13 with another combined group event.

- Rhe Janse & Suzanne Acuff

Josh Malahy