Good Friday Tenebrae Service
Tenebrae is an ancient Christian service that is meant for the church to immerse itself in the emotion of the passion story.

LH Missions Promotion Dinner
Join us to learn more about our local and global missions, church planting, and refugee resettlement initiatives.

Legacy Grandparenting Summit
Living Hope is hosting a live-streamed Grandparenting Summit February 21-22, 2025.

Membership Class
If you’re interested in becoming a covenant member of Living Hope, join us for a One Night Membership Class.

LH Men Winter Conference
Men, Join us for ALONE - January 31 & February 1 at Living Hope.

Women's Spring Bible Study
This Spring, LH Women will continue their study of the Book of Acts.

Men's Spring Bible Study
This Spring, LH Men will continue their study of the Book of Acts.

Christmas Eve Service
Join us on Christmas Eve for a family-friendly, candlelight service.

Red Tub Day
The Red Tubs are back! This year, our goal is to fill 50 tubs for boys and girls ranging in age from 6 months to 16 years old.

Women's Retreat
LH Women’s annual retreat will take place November 15 & 16 at The Country Place in Moscow, TN.

Intentional Grandparenting Gathering
Join us for our next Intentional Grandparenting Gathering!

Women's Fall Bible Study
The LH Women’s Fall Bible Study will begin with a special large group event Tuesday, August 27.

Promotion Sunday
August 4 is Promotion Sunday in LH Kids, followed by an outdoor celebration for the whole church family!

Christmas (Ornaments) in July
Join us to make Christmas ornaments for the residents of St. Mark’s Retirement Village.

Membership Class
If you’re interested in becoming a covenant member of Living Hope, join us for a One Night Membership Class.

Romania Interest Meeting
We’re sending a team to work with our mission partners in Bucharest, Romania. Attend this brief interest meeting to learn more about the trip.

Intentional Grandparenting: Tables for 8
Grandparents, join a Table for 8 July 12, 19, or 26.

LH Men - Spring Super Clean
Men, join us for some spring cleaning around the church campus.

Missions Luncheon
Join us for lunch with Mark and Laura Bohanan, our mission partners from Heart of Ukraine Ministries, for a personal update about their ministry.

Intentional Grandparenting
Mark your calendar and join us for our very first Intentional Grandparenting Gathering!

Good Friday Tenebrae Service
Tenebrae is an ancient Christian service that is meant for the church to immerse itself in the emotion of the passion story.

ESL Interest Meeting
If you are interested in serving in our ESL ministry, please join us for an interest meeting March 13 at 7pm at the home of Zack and Cindy Taylor.