The Common's 1st Anniversary
We are grateful! God has exceeded all of our expectations and goals in our first year as a church. From Brunch & Bible, to the coffee shop on Echols Street, to the heart of Orange Mound. From 20 in a living room, to over 100 in an Elementary school cafeteria. From one corporate weekly meet up, to several Community Groups studying and fellowshipping throughout the week. From being religious, to being relational. From being inconsistent, to being intentional.
We have had an amazing year!! However, there is STILL so much work for us to do! Although we have gained so much, we have also mourned the young lives we have lost to senseless violence. We are nursing wounds and souls back to health as hurts, challenges, and grudges have lead to fights, shootings, and even suicide attempts. We are still struggling with so much sin within our body. With that being said, your prayers are not only appreciated but needed!
2 Chronicles 7 tells us “to humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, and to turn from our wicked ways”. As we attempt to do exactly this in order to experience healing, deliverance, and transformation in our homes, in the Orange Mound Community, and beyond, we ask that you continue to be the Fervently praying parent church that you are as we continue to work our harvest and produce capable laborers who will see the work through until the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!