LH Women's Spring Bible Study

LH Women is kicking off their next Bible study very soon! I encourage every woman to sign up, especially if you are scared of doing it. I certainly was. This will be the third bible study I have done in my entire life. I had a million reasons for never doing one: never a convenient time; probably won’t know anyone; can’t quote scripture; barely find the books of the bible (and y’all I have my Bible tabbed); hard time comprehending what I read in the Bible; really afraid of people thinking I was failing at being a Christian because I didn’t know all the facts of the Bible. The list goes on. 

I know the Gospel and I love Jesus with all my heart and soul but the truth is, I was not investing any quality time to understand and apply God’s Word. All those fears culminated from those lies I was believing that keep me from the Truth. The day I signed up for the 1 John study, I clearly remember God saying; “do not be fearful of this; you need this; this is why your soul feels so malnourished.” So, I signed up and put my credit card information in before I could change my mind. I was done saying “no” to God. 

I have grown so much from each Bible study. Had it not been for God’s persistent nudging I would have missed out on so much He wanted me to hear from His word. He was also kind enough to put women in my path who have become pillars in my walk with Christ. He gave me helpers who point me to Jesus. I am able to be real with them and speak up when I feel I’m drifting from God. They are always there free of judgement to help encourage me on the weeks I am slacking or just not really understanding the text. Regardless if I had the right answers going into the study, I always got exactly what God wanted me to hear and apply. I leave each evening with a revitalized faith that is being fed and flexed and strengthened.

Ultimately, don’t let your fears or insecurities get in the way of getting to know God through His word. I can’t wait to get started and see how God moves through this study and speaks to the women of Living Hope through 1 Samuel. 

- Anna Harlow

Living Hope