Focus: LH Missions

Reflection upon 2019 brings encouragement due to the involvement of so many Living Hopers reaching out to people near and far with the love of Christ. Fifteen folks went to Mexico in June to serve alongside our friends in Querétaro. Nine of us went to Kenya in July to serve orphans; to encourage caregivers; and to minister to the local church, neighbors, slum residents, prisoners, and special needs students. We saw the formation of a disaster relief team among willing and capable Living Hopers. There are too many other examples of local ministry involvement to mention them all, but here are a few…In November, we collected thirty coats for the Neighborhood Christian Center’s Cozy Coats drive, hosted the Ken ya Give? silent auction and giving campaign that brought in nearly $50,000 to support the orphans of Eldoret, Kenya. During Advent, Living Hopers filled 25 Red Tubs for Memphis Family Connection Center to provide Christmas gifts to foster children in Fayette and Shelby Counties. In addition to the filled tubs, $3,250 was raised to support MFCC to meet needs of foster and adoptive families throughout the year. Several families were adopted for Christmas through NCC. Living Hopers provided Thanksgiving and Christmas meals to the residents of the Gaal House, and $2,500 was given to support children served by our partners in India. 

Looking forward to the year ahead, there are opportunities, again, to serve in Mexico, June 3-9, and Kenya, July 21-31. The Living Hope Worship Team is sending folks to Querétaro later this month to lead a worship conference with the members of Lumina and Vertical Connection. Hopefully, the current Bottles for Life campaign for Life Choices will raise a lot of support to give life to moms and babies. Through weekly Prayer Prompts Living Hopers are praying for our local ministry partners, global missionaries, and church planters here in the States and around the world. May the Lord bless our ministry partners through the prayers of the saints. There will be opportunities for Living Hope to come alongside the Common to stock the Melrose Food Pantry through which the folks of the Common meet practical needs of many children and elderly residents of Orange Mound. 

It is my prayer and heartfelt desire that many more individuals and Gospel Community Groups at Living Hope will get plugged into a rhythm of ministry and missions. 

- Alan May, Missions Administrator 

Living Hope