Making Space - Presence During Social Distance

This is an unprecedented time for the body of Christ globally. As things continue to unfold, the people of God are asking crucial questions. What does it mean for us to be the people of God in this devastating situation?

COVID-19 has affected every sphere of life. One of the primary ways that we express being the family of God is by gathering together. Currently, that is something that we are unable to express in the way that is normative to us. So, how can we be present to one another in a time of distance?

One of the reasons this is a necessary question for us to answer is that for the near future ministry will depend entirely on person-to-person care. Not only that, but serving and engaging as the people of God will be more in front of us as/if supply chains get interrupted.

As we continue to discern how to serve one another and our community we wanted to provide some helpful resources to think through as you lead your own community through this.

1. Be Present During Distance
Again, one of our primary expressions as a body is gathering under covenant renewal, prayer, meals, communion, stories, encouragement, etc. One tool you can utilize to have presence while being distant is a common liturgy. Sarah and Drew Billups (click here) have contributed a daily ritual to provide peace to anxious minds and hearts.

Your GC can commit to praying this liturgy together during your normal family meal time. If your GC Gathers Sundays at 6:00p.m. share this liturgy with your GC and each of you can do it at home. Joining in on the same formative liturgy to settle your hearts and minds even while being in different homes.

Additionally, as we normally gather at 9:00 and 10:45 on Sunday mornings, we can all be present with distance by attending our online streams and being formed in our liturgy and covenant renewal there.

2. Check-in Regularly
GroupMe is a fantastic group messaging app to allow you to communicate together. Facebook groups are another way to communicate. Part of this regular checking in will be shepherding one another in how we are doing, and communicating needs that are present, etc.

One of the ways we are trying to serve our body is by contacting and pressing in with those who are most vulnerable. If someone in your GC is in this category and LH can serve them, take time to let know the needs. We can begin to best serve them as we learn of the needs present.

3. Pray
This may go without saying, but one of the most pressing needs right now is prayer. Not just from within our own body, but remembering this is a global pandemic. Many are suffering and cut off from support right now. We can pray that as they always have the people of God would serve and engage the most vulnerable among us.

Glen Scrivener wrote a fascinating piece on the Gospel Coalition yesterday (click here) on how the people of God have served and responded across history during pandemics. It may be helpful to think through ways you can serve those around you.

4. Presence through Serving
The city of Memphis is asking for volunteers and donations to the Mid-South Food Bank. This is being distributed across our city to the most vulnerable.

Additionally, the city is encouraging donations and partnerships through the Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association for meals and relief with the vulnerable and underserved in our community. More information for both of these opportunities can be found here.

Lastly, you can serve Shelby County Schools through providing meals during next week's extended break. You can find all the locations and times daily for March 23-27 here.

I am continuing to pray for each of you, if there is a way that I can serve you or your GC please do not hesitate to reach out.

- Dakota Zook, Gospel Community Pastor

Living Hope