Lent - A Season of Fasting & Prayer


Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, a season that the Church has long observed as a time to reflect upon our sin and the great work of Christ at the cross, and to prepare our hearts for the joy of Easter. In much the same way that we confess our sin corporately each Sunday in order to remind ourselves of the magnitude of Christ’s work on our behalf, the Lenten season gives us a specific time to corporately put off the old self, and put on the new. Many people choose to give up certain things during Lent (foods, technology, etc.) in order to focus more time and energy toward spiritual discipline and to eliminate some of the distractions in our lives. I would encourage you to pray and ask God to reveal something in your life that you may want to eliminate or change during this season, and join with us and the Church around the world as we walk through this season of prayer and fasting, seeking God and fixing our eyes on Jesus.

Some resources that might be helpful for you during this season:

Community Lenten Guide – Living Through Dying

SheReadsTruth.com – Lent 2020 Reading Plan

HeReadsTruth.com – Lent 2020 Reading Plan

Living Hope