Summer Missions Recap

“Watch to see where God is working and join Him.” These words were challenging many years ago when working through Henry Blackaby’s Experiencing God study; they remain challenging today. God is working in countless ways around us locally and throughout the world. In our busy day-to-day lives, perhaps we fail to “watch to see where God is working,” and therefore, fail to “join Him.” 

There is a lot of great gospel ministry going on in our midst and among Living Hope ministry and missions partners around the world. Have you considered going on a mission trip or volunteering to serve in a local ministry? You may have to say “no” to some of the activities that claim your attention in order to say “yes” to a call from God. When the prophet Isaiah heard God say, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” he readily replied, “Here I am! Send me.” God still calls us to carry the gospel message to others near and far. What is your response? A good number of Living Hopers answered the call to go on a short term mission trip this summer. Likewise, others answered the call to prayerfully and financially support someone else to go. 

In Querétaro, Mexico we were able to serve alongside our partners to reach into their communities. The painting, landscaping, and VBS activities were not an end unto themselves. Such activities provided opportunities to foster relationships, to encourage our partners, and to plant seeds of the gospel into their respective communities. Likewise, in Eldoret, Kenya we were able to encourage orphans,  caregivers, prisoners, residents of slums and villages, as well as children in the local school and church. Mission team members found themselves the recipients of blessing as much as the people they served. God is indeed at work in Mexico and Kenya!

Regardless of life’s circumstances, there are avenues for joining in God’s work…just watch and see where He is working, and join Him! 

- Alan May, Missions Administrator

Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples. Psalm 96:3

Living Hope