The Hope Candle - Advent Week 1 


“There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit. And the Spirit of the lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.” - Isaiah 11:1-2 

Guess what, Christmas is in 25 days!!! Do you feel the excitement? What is the one present you are hoping to receive? If I close my eyes I can imagine the alarm going off running into the living room and seeing all the presents under the tree. Could you imagine if you had to wait 100 more days for Christmas? What about over 1000 years? 

At the very beginning of the Bible, God promises that he will give his people the greatest gift they could ever receive, a better gift than you could ever imagine. A gift that would never run out of batteries, break, or that you would get tired of. What kind of gift could be that good? The gift God promised to his people was himself. He would make away for us to fix our broken relationship with God. This gift was Jesus and he would come in a really unexpected way, like a really big surprise. The only challenge was that they would have to remain hopeful and wait to receive it. They would have to trust that God would keep his promise. In the same way you and I hope Christmas will come each year, the people of God had hope that God would send a savior. 

God was very kind to his people as they waited. As the years went by God would send them signs and reminders that he was trustworthy and that he would keep his promise. They had to continue trusting and hoping that the Lord would send the greatest gift, a savior. 

God kept his promise and gave his people a savior. Jesus came as a baby and by his life, death and resurrection gives the gift of eternal life to all those who believe. Today as you’re waiting and hoping for Christmas morning to come, remember that God has already given us the greatest gift Jesus. This also helps us to remember that the best place we can put our hope is in God, he always keeps his promises. 



- What is something you are hoping for? 

- Make a list of the prayers you are hoping God will answer. Pray through them with eager hope that God hears your prayers and will answer. 

Suggested Prayer 

Lord, thank you for always keeping your promises, especially your promise to send a savior. Please forgive us when we lose hope in you when we are waiting on your timing. Help us to remember that we can place our hope in you. In Jesus name we pray, Amen. 

- Derek Kimes - Church Planting Resident, Stonegate Church - Midlothian, Texas 

Living Hope