Women's Bible Study

We often use the end of one year and the beginning of the next as a time to reflect, and I find myself reflecting on one of my favorite things at Living Hope this last year! In the fall of 2018, over one-hundred women from Living Hope gathered in various locations and at various times throughout the Memphis metro area to dig into God’s word through a study of 1 John. At the end of our study, we had a dinner with all of the participants where each group presented a creative project to display what they’d learned during the study. Each group contained women of different ages and talents - and together we had such a camaraderie that came from us all studying the same thing. Being a “non-creative” person, it was inspiring to see the many ways God has gifted the women of LH. 

Some of the thoughts and reflections after the study from various women who participated include:

“To lead and be part of a group of women who studied the Bible together was one of my highlights from last semester. I loved the in depth preparation we had to do for the study, and the new insight into God’s Word that it brought; I was happy to see how the women participated, and how the Word convicted and brought about change in their thinking. I also enjoyed seeing the bond and relationships that formed between the women in the group.”

“Our small group came together as some friends and some strangers and came away bonded through the knowledge of the concept that Jesus loves us unconditionally. Because of this example of unconditional love, being honest about our weaknesses was not only easier but freeing.”

“Meeting together each week to study and discuss God’s Word together was the perfect opportunity to (finally) get to know other women at LH! Also, I was very pleased with how our ladies handled differences in opinion about Scripture when it came up. The ladies discussed politely and allowed one another to share their thoughts, but they did not let it hurt our fellowship and friendship. We were able to get right back on track with the lesson”

“I loved the connection knowing we were all studying the same thing and the friendships that came out of our group. I have continued to be convicted and encouraged from the things we studied and learned from 1 John!”

“Now I will see so many familiar faces at church!”

We are gearing up for a study through Judges starting the evening of January 15th with a large group kickoff! Again, there will be various groups at various times throughout the metro area and at LH:Piperton. We want to make it as easy as possible for every lady to be involved! I am very excited to see what the Lord has in store for us and hope many more LH women will join us!

Living Hope