Interim Student Ministry Director
My name is Shawn Darnell, or more commonly known to most students as Momma Shawn. I have been involved in student ministry for over 14 years in various churches. When we joined LH, I immediately started volunteering with our student ministry in November of 2018. God opened unexpected opportunities for me to step into and begin serving in my dream job as the LH High School Girls’ Director in late February 2019. Over the course of time, I have been able to bring my gifts of organization and hospitality to our team and take on more responsibilities as a ministry team leader. There are so many parts of my job that I love, but my absolute favorite is in fervent prayer asking Jesus to work in the lives of our students so they can come to know Him more and then watching Him move as our students become aware of His presence, power, movement and love in their lives. I have loved seeing their desire to truly commit to follow Him with all they are. As we enter this new season of change, I am excited to see how Jesus stretches and grows each of us, students and leaders as we continue to move forward in our ministry with our goal to continue to develop students who commit to following Jesus. My prayer is that our students know deep within their hearts that no matter who leads them in ministry, Jesus is their constant hope, anchor, savior and friend. I am so excited for the numerous student events we have planned this summer that encourage students to connect and build relationships through fun activities like swim parties and summer movie outings, provide a little friendly good hearted competition through our dodgeball tournament and create opportunities to see the need and serve others in our community. While we have all these fun events planned, my real hope and true heart for our students is that while this interim season of change will not be easy, they truly know Jesus, who is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.